15 years ago a kid with an idea
… became a case study in do what you love and you’ll work every single moment of every single day for the rest of your life.
Daylighter. The guitar that started everything.
It’s kind of unbelievable when you think about it.
When I started down this path, I had no idea there was a boutique guitar market… heck I never even realized that guitars weren’t something made by wizened, reclusively mountain monks who only passed their secrets down on stone engraved tablets and only the select few would ever know the forbidden craft. The hubris to think I could just take wood and metal and bend them to my will and make an instrument from it!
OK so maybe that’s a bit over the top but it’s how I felt when in the early 2000’s I started going down this rabbit hole simply because a really nice piece of maple came into my life. While I had already been making some bodies and other things, Daylighter was the first design I did completely from scratch, start to finish. I learned so much and had no idea that people would respond to this design or that it would ultimately be the catalyst that launched a million bad credit scores.
Daylighter 15th Anniversary
We decided to celebrate this milestone by doing a limited run of Daylighter Super Supremes.
Michael Burks
To our best of friends, we wouldn’t be here with out you.